Panchakarma technique includes five major procedures, and help to purify the whole body by eliminating the accumulated toxins. Panchkarma includes treatments like Virechana (Purgation), Vamana (Emesis), Snehavasthi (Medicated Oil Enema), Kashayavasti (medicated decoction enema) & Nasya (Nasal Administration). The specialty of this treatment is that it can be administered both in a healthy, as well as the diseased person.
Panhkarma Slides
Panchakrma is the PURIFACTION METHOD in ayurveda which, help to eliminate the toxins in the bodycells, promote self healing ability and rejuvenates all system in the body. As we do cleaning of houses, servicing of machines, car etc to run smoothly similarly panchakarma is the process which help to Eliminate toxins from body and mind Restore constitutional balance, improving health and wellness, Strengthen your immune system Enhance your self-reliance, strength, energy, vitality and mental clarity. It cleanse the body’s deep tissues of toxins, open the subtle channels, bring life-enhancing energy there by increasing vitality, inner peace, confidence and well-being.
Human body is complex machine which preforms millions of functions. Body cells are working through out a day to produce energy to sustain life & the process generates lots of toxins or aama. These toxins block the energy flow and has a tendency to create disease, Weakens the immune mechanisms. Hence it is necessary to eliminate these waste/toxins/aama from the body. Panchakarma is the processes which help to attain pure healthy rejuvinative body & increase the speed of healing.
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